curator / creative director / advisor
6. Okt. 2022
Al Jazeera English
Filmmakers Push Boundaries at London Film Festival
The BFI London Film Festival is under way and this year, it is an immersive experience. Filmmakers are experimenting with new technologies to create a different form of storytelling, many using virtual or augmented reality. The works touch on climate collapse, war and dance. Al Jazeera's Charlie Angela reports from London.

3. Okt. 2022
XR Must
"With BFI, we are really branching out..."
This year’s BFI London Film Festival continues its commitment to new mediums and storytelling, with the second year of LFF Expanded, featuring 18 VR/AR and immersive audio projects taking place in physical locations in London and on the Expanse platform in VR.

9. Okt. 2021
XR Must
"I strongly believe VR is here to bring people together"
This year’s BFI London Film Festival continues its commitment to new mediums and storytelling, with the second year of LFF Expanded, featuring 18 VR/AR and immersive audio projects taking place in physical locations in London and on the Expanse platform in VR.

6. Okt. 2021
Voices of VR Podcast
#1006 Preview of LFF
Podcast episode about Ulrich Schrauth's journey into XR, the process of bringing immersive stories into virtual platforms, latest trends in immersive storytelling from theater and fine arts, and the different site-specific performances that’ll be happening at the London Film Festival Expanded 2021 selection.

31. Mai 2021
NextReality Hamburg Podcast
VR-Kunstfestivals trotz Pandemie?! Einblicke in das VRHAM! 2021
Das VRHAM!-Festival steht wieder vor der Tür – dieses Jahr bereits in der vierten Edition! Erneut zu Gast, zwei Jahre nach seinem ersten Besuch in unserem Podcast: Ulrich Schrauth, der künstlerische Leiter und Initiator des XR-Kunstfestivals. Gemeinsam mit Simon spricht Ulrich darüber, wie die Pandemie, nicht nur ihn und sein Team, sondern die gesamte (XR-)Kunstszene eiskalt erwischt hat – und wie Zusammenhalt und die gemeinsame Suche nach Lösungen die Branche in Zeiten physischer Distanz virtuell näher zusammengebracht hat.